Terms of Service

Please read these terms carefully. It covers important information about the services of the bot.


Nebula is a free to use Discord Bot created by isroisthebest. If you have any questions, you can send an Email at - bot.nebula.discord@gmail.com or join the Support Server


Users are expected to follow these guidelines:-

  1. Server owners and moderators are expected to moderate the usage of the bot.
  2. The source code of this bot is NOT available, please refrain from trying to get the source code by any means.
  3. Users are expected to use the bot in accordance with the discord Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and law of the country from where they operate, it includes but is not restricted to:-
    1. Using alternate accounts to bypass slowmode.
    2. Making the bot ban/kick/mute/warn others without reason.
    3. Using the bot to hide any actions.
    4. Using the bot resulting into non compliance with any law or regulation of any country.

    Your account may be stopped from using this bot in case of misuse or any unethical purposes.

Deletion of data

To request a complete data deletion for yourself you can either send an Email at - bot.nebula.discord@gmail.com or Send a modmail in the support server

Email Format:-
Subject: Deletion of data

Discord User ID: YOUR USER ID HERE(Example: 861132873511731202)
Brief Reason