
/help [command(OPTIONAL)]

Get information on the bot
Usage: /help [command(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /help [poll]

/add add [numbers separated by commas]

Adds numbers
Usage: /add [numbers separated by commas]
Example: /add [1,2,3]

/subtract [numbers separated by commas]

Subtracts numbers
Usage: /subtract [numbers separated by commas]
Example: /subtract [4,2,1]

/multiply [numbers separated by commas]

Multiply numbers
Usage: /multiply [numbers separated by commas]
Example: /multiply [1,2,3]

/divide [numbers separated by commas]

Divide numbers
Usage: /divide [numbers separated by commas]
Example: /divide [4,2]

/squareroot [number]

Find the square root of a number
Usage: /squareroot [number]
Example: /squareroot [4]

/cuberoot [number]

Find the cube root of a number
Usage: /cuberoot [number]
Example: /cuberoot [8]

/circumference [inputtype(Radius/Diameter)] [number]

Find the circumference of a circle
Usage: /circumference [inputtype(Radius/Diameter)] [number]
Example: /circumference [Radius] [5]

/speed [distance] [time]

Find the speed of an object
Usage: /speed [distance] [time]
Example: /speed [10] [5]

/distance [speed] [time]

Find the distance an object traveled
Usage: /distance [speed] [time]
Example: /distance [2] [5]

/time [distance] [speed]

Find the time an object takes to cover a distance
Usage: /time [distance] [speed]
Example: /time [10] [2]

/tictactoe [type]

Single Player
Play a game with the bot
Play a game with your friends
Usage: /tictactoe [type]
Example: /tictactoe [Single Player]

/wanted [user(OPTIONAL)]

Shows the users profile picture on a wanted poster
Usage: /wanted [user(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /wanted [@Nebula]

/prison [user(OPTIONAL)]

Shows the users profile picture in a prison
Usage: /prison [user(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /prison [@Nebula]


Play a game of rock paper scissors
Usage: /rockpaperscissors
Example: /rockpaperscissors

/tweet [body][user(OPTIONAL)]

Make a custom twitter post
Usage: /tweet [body][user(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /tweet [Hello][@Nebula]


Roll a dice
Usage: /diceroll
Example: /diceroll

/quiz [channel(OPTIONAL)]

Start a quiz
Usage: /quiz [channel(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /quiz [#general]

/quizstats [user(OPTIONAL)]

View your quiz stats
Usage: /quizstats [user(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /quizstats [@Nebula]


View the quiz leaderboard
Usage: /quizleaderboard
Example: /quizleaderboard

/connect4 [type]

Single Player
Play a game with the bot
Play a game with your friends
Usage: /connect4 [type]
Example: /connect4 [Single Player]

/kick [user] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Kick a server member
Usage: /kick [user] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /kick [@Cosmos] [test]
Requires Kick Members Permission

/ban [user] [delete_mesages] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Ban a server member
Usage: /ban [user] [delete_mesages] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /ban [@Cosmos] [Previous Hour] [test]
Requires Ban Members Permission

/slowmode [seconds]

Set channel slowmode
Usage: /slowmode [seconds]
Example: /slowmode [5]
Requires Manage Channel Permission

/create [name] [category(OPTIONAL)]

Create a channel
Usage: /create [name] [category(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /create [nebula-updates] [nebula info]
Requires Manage Channel Permission

/delete [channel]

Delete a channel
Usage: /delete [channel]
Example: /delete [#chat]
Requires Manage Channel Permission

/poll [channel] [question] [time] [emojis]

Create a poll
Usage: /poll [channel] [question] [time] [emojis]
Example: /poll [#chat] [Does pineapple belong on pizza?] [2h] [✅ ❌]
Requires the user to be able to send messages in the specific channel

/announce [channel] [title] [message] [embedcolor(OPTIONAL)]

Create an announcement
Usage: /announce [channel] [title] [message] [embedcolor(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /announce [#chat] [Slash Commands] [Nebula now has slash commands] [#FFFFFF]
Requires the user to be able to send messages in the specific channel

/lock [channel] [lock_for] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Lock a channel
Usage: /lock [channel] [lock_for] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /lock [#chat] [@everyone] [Test]
Requires Manage Channel Permission

/unlock [channel] [unlock_for] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Unlock a channel
Usage: /unlock [channel] [unlock_for] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /unlock [#chat] [@everyone] [Test]
Requires Manage Channel Permission

/unban [userid] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Unban a server member
Usage: /unban [userid] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /unban [953533453100527626] [test]
Requires Ban Members Permission

/giveaway [channel] [prize] [time]

Create a giveaway
Usage: /giveaway [channel] [prize] [time]
Example: /giveaway [#chat] [Nitro] [2h]
Requires the user to be able to send messages in the specific channel

/tempban [user] [delete_mesages] [time] [reason(OPTIONAL)]

Temporary Ban a server member
Usage: /tempban [user] [delete_mesages] [time] [reason(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /tempban [@Cosmos] [Previous Hour] [2h] [test]
Requires Ban Members Permission

/warn [user] [reason]

Warn a user
Usage: /warn [user] [reason]
Example: /warn [@Cosmos] [test]
Requires Manage Messages Permission

/warnings [user(OPTIONAL)]

View warnings for a user
Usage: /warnings [user(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /warnings [@Cosmos]

/delwarn [warnid]

Delete a warning
Usage: /delwarn [warnid]
Example: /delwarn [b54ee6e9d06003cm8118935947167662101]
Requires Manage Messages Permission

/userinfo [user]

View information on a user
Usage: /userinfo [user]
Example: /userinfo [@Cosmos]


View information on a server
Usage: /serverinfo
Example: /serverinfo


Get a random fact
Usage: /fact
Example: /fact


Get a random question
Usage: /question
Example: /question


View the changelog
Usage: /changelog
Example: /changelog


Get invite information about nebula
Usage: /invite
Example: /invite


Suggest Features
Usage: /suggest
Example: /suggest


View Nebulas stats
Usage: /stats
Example: /stats


Start your NebCoins account
Usage: /start
Example: /start


View your NebCoins balance
Usage: /balance
Example: /balance


View your NebCoins farm
Usage: /farm
Example: /farm

/plant [plant(OPTIONAL)]

Plant a crop
Usage: /plant [plant(OPTIONAL)]
Example: /plant [apple]


View your NebCoins inventory
Usage: /inventory
Example: /inventory

/sell [id] [quantity]

Sell an inventory item
Usage: /sell [id] [quantity]
Example: /sell [1] [3]


View todays market
Usage: /market
Example: /market


Work for NebCoins
Usage: /work
Example: /work


View the NebCoins leaderboard
Usage: /leaderboard
Example: /leaderboard


View your NebCoins level
Usage: /level
Example: /level

/transfer [user] [amount]

Transfer NebCoins to another player
Usage: /transfer [user] [amount]
Example: /transfer [@Nebula] [100]


Beg for NebCoins
Usage: /beg
Example: /beg


Go on a journey to find pets
Usage: /journey
Example: /journey


View a list of your pets
Usage: /mypets
Example: /mypets


View a list of available pets
Usage: /pets
Example: /pets